Schools in Pacific Beach (92109) and how they rank in 2020
Schools are important for any family thinking about moving to Pacific Beach. We highly recommend checking out to see which school is assigned to your home address.
There are some exceptions to this automated tool, but most of the time it will correctly show which school is assigned to a specific property address.
All of the Pacific Beach schools are relatively good. Pacific Beach is an expensive neighborhood, which usually requires families with high income jobs which is highly correlated with educated parents. However, there are better rated schools in San Diego. La Jolla, Carmel Valley, Del Mar, Poway, Rancho Penasquitos and Rancho Bernardo have some of the top rated schools in San Diego County.
Map of how Pacific Beach schools are assigned by location

The address of your home in Pacific Beach will most likely determine which school your kids will be assigned to. Above is a map showing how the schools boundary lines are drawn. There are sometimes exceptions to these boundaries.
The map shows elementary schools because there is only one middle and high school in Pacific Beach.
Some homes in Northwest Pacific Beach gain access to the La Jolla school – Bird Rock Elementary. These homes also gain access to the La Jolla school district for Muirlands Middle school and La Jolla High School, which are both highly rated schools. The rest of Pacific Beach will be assigned to Pacific Beach Middle School and Mission Bay High School.
Pacific Beach Elementary Schools
Pacific Beach Elementary – 7/10 Great Schools score
Kate Sessions Elementary – 9/10 Great Schools score
Crown Point Jr Music Academy – 7/10 Great Schools score
Barnard Elementary – 8/10 Great Schools score (previously Bayview Terrace Elementary). This is a Mandarin magnet school, which kids from all parts of San Diego County can request to attend).
** Bird Rock Elementary – 9/10 Great Schools score (this school is not located in Pacific Beach but some homes located in the northwestern portion of the 92109 zip code have access to Bird Rock elementary)
Pacific Beach Middle Schools
Pacific Beach Middle School – 6/10 Great Schools score
** Muirlands Middle School – 8/10 Great Schools score (this school is not located in Pacific Beach but some homes in PB are assigned here based on location)
Pacific Beach High Schools
Mission Bay High School – 6/10 Great Schools score
** La Jolla High School – 8/10 Great Schools score (this school is not located in Pacific Beach but some homes in PB are assigned here based on location)
Baldwin Academy – Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten
Private Schools
St. Paul’s Lutheran School – PreK – 8th grade
Other school information and resources for 92109
If you have any questions regarding school placement, you can reference San Diego Unified School District’s tool.
Other private schools are accessible in other zip codes and locations, but may require substantial tuition fees.
Keep in mind that while planning for education is extremely important, school assignment exceptions are possible, and you may move before your kids are at the age for your desired school. is another website that has different rankings of schools and neighborhoods.